Glenbard East dress code

Kylie Miskovic, Lenses Writer

The first day of school at Glenbard East this year was more eventful than usual. For background, the battle between students and administration over dress codes has been going on for as long as anyone can remember, but this year it seems the administration at East really cracked down on enforcing the rules. Approximately twenty female students were dress coded for outfits they had worn many times the year before. It was reported that violators were given the choice to change into spirit wear or very noticeable bright orange shirts. When one student asked why she was getting dress coded, the dean said that it was due to boys looking at her and other girls.  When she asked why it was a priority to stop boys from looking at her she received a vague answer that implied that “boys have provocative mindsets, and it’s distracting to them,” as reported to Today.


Being distracting to boys is the reason given for the majority of dress code violations. This is a dangerous mindset to give to both girls and boys. This tells girls that they must always consider others’ opinions before considering themselves, and reinforces to boys that they are not responsible for their own actions.  Telling girls that they have to dress in order to stop boys from looking at them is setting a mindset for later in life, that girls have to be responsible for some males’ bad decisions.


Not only are dress codes setting dangerous mindsets for girls, they make the assumption that boys cannot control their actions, which is untrue. Everyone is in control of his or her thoughts and their actions, but whether they act on those thoughts is a different story. Making the assumption that all boys act a certain way because of the minority is damaging as well.


If a girl is going to be dress coded on a regular school day, then what about the cheerleading and dance uniforms? Every home football game the cheer team and dance team are encouraged to wear their uniforms to school, which include exposed shoulders and short skirts. The school pays for and distributes these uniforms, but what makes this situation different? Why do some girls get punished for wearing tank tops, and others are encouraged to do so?


The second day of school, many of the girls who were dress coded the day before wore sweatshirts. Some boys also participated in the mini protest by wearing tank tops and muscle shirts with stickers on their shoulders saying “distracted?” On the following Monday, August 20, Glenbard East issued a statement. When reaching out to the Principal of Glenbard East, Shahe Bagdasarian the answer received is the same prepared statement for the media, indicating that the Glenbard East handbook and practices would be reviewed. 


In the end, dress codes are made for a reason, to keep school appropriate and safe. The dispute is over the enforcement of these rules; are dress codes truly equal between boys and girls, and is this an ethical mindset to be putting on children?