The Ultimate Team Builder

The Ultimate Team Builder

On June 18th at around eight o’ clock in the morning six newspaper staff members (Juniors, Jessica Arnold, Amanda Herrmann, Ben Gonzalez, Kajal Patel, Hadiya Afzal and senior, Kaitlin Clark) along with their adviser, Ms. Karen Zajac, embarked on a slightly miry path towards a challenge ropes course 25 feet off the ground.  Each obstacle on the course presented a new challenge for each member. Boundaries were pushed, limits were tested, but everyone was ready for the challenge. The course forced everyone involved to learn how to rely on his own abilities as well as learn to depend on others for support and encouragement. There were easily more than seven obstacles just on the perimeter of the course, none for the faint of heart. Thankfully, everyone in attendance was willing to at least complete one obstacle.

However, the fun did not stop once their feet touched the ground. Each and every participant was constantly faced with more problems that had to be solved holistically. In other words, everyone was dependent on each other to fulfill his responsibilities so every task was completed. For example in the hula hoop exercise four separate members had to land within four hula hoops, spread about the same distance away from each other. While one member hung from a rope, other members stepped in to guide and buffer his path. Only once a synchronized system of pushing, pulling and swinging was established were they able to successfully have four members land squarely in each hula hoop.

For the most part everyone enjoyed himself tremendously, even those who were terrified from the their first step off the ground. Honestly, this ropes course was a rather venturesome way to start off the new publication. The members in attendance certainly learned how to lean on each other for help.