How our mental health is affected by school.

Nia Ellis, Opinions Writer

While school for some could be very easy-going and stress-free, so many students including myself are heavily affected by the school’s environment and the tremendous amount of pressure day to day.

The pressure could be an essay due in a timeframe of 2 days or a presentation due the next day. We students need a break. 


Being stressed out has become a norm for so many of us.

I find myself walking past so many of my peers hearing how overwhelmed and tired they are from school and how much of a toll it is taking on them mentally. My heart hurts for them, considering that I too find myself wrapped into the same cycle of thoughts.


From an educational standpoint, I do not believe officials know how in-depth students are feeling.

There are those that are begging for a chance to be heard and just need some weight lifted off of their shoulders, in hopes to get help and or a break as mentioned above.


For years I hoped schools would focus more on mental health and require a class where all students could destress and either take a quick nap, grab a snack or simply just sit in silence without having to do any assignment.


Sometimes peace and quiet are what an individual craves . 

It is important that it is provided to those who desperately need it.


Mental health is not only a serious subject but it is something that oftentimes you do not see just by looking at the person.

 We have been so conditioned to being drained that many have learned to ignore our mind and it’s status by keep pushing through because it is all we know.


School blindly can further anxiety and make it so much harder for those to cooperate due to the severity of students who mentally just are not well. 

For example, walking through the hallway may not be the most pleasant experience but is manageable, the next person just a few inches back could be having an anxiety attack due to all the people crammed together in between the walls.

When do you get some leverage?

I only wish for more people to realize how essential it is to not only become educated about mental health, but understand the daily effects it has on so many of us.


For anyone who needs some positivity through these rough times..

Know that you are not alone and we are all in this together.


Thank you for doing the best you can.

You are so important!