What students think of hybrid learning

Zainab Talha, Scoop Editor

Hybrid learning has been in effect for two weeks already with the schedule looking very different from what a normal school day in the “pre corona” days would look like. Despite the differences, most hybrid students at Glenbard South, after being surveyed, have shown a general likeness towards going to school.

A general agreement between all hybrid students seems to be that being in person allows them to focus on their learning and pay more attention in class. With remote learning, it is easy to go off task, but hybrid learning forces students to prioritize the lesson in class even if the overall time being spent is considerably less than normal.

Another aspect of hybrid learning that students seem to be enjoying is that school is shorter, as well as classes not meeting everyday. Having a lighter schedule allows students more time for homework and other activities that they would not be able to do otherwise. As junior Aryan Sandoval put it, “I enjoy the balance between in-person days and e-learning days. I’m glad that some days I can remain at home and still attend school, and other days I can see other students and talk with my teachers one on one.”

One of the most notable benefits of hybrid learning has been that students can meet with their peers and socialize as long as they socially distance. Quarantine-like restrictions due to COVID-19 have been in place for more than seven months now, and allowing more social interaction through hybrid learning is understandably a big bonus. Even being surrounded in a classroom setting can have a positive effect on students’ mental health.

However, some students have expressed dislike for some aspects of hybrid. One of these was the presence of one-way arrows. To get from one class to another, the arrows must be followed, sometimes taking double the time it would normally take to get to class. Although this is a necessary precaution, it has been a slight annoyance.

Because there will always be learners present online in addition to onsite, a divide between the students present in the classroom and those “Zooming” in from home will be unavoidable. Freshman Lauren Denardo stated in the early days of hybrid learning, “I think that on the remote days, the teachers are paying a bit more attention to the in person students, opposed to the ones at home.” 

Sophomore Colin Crook disagreed, “There is absolutely no way to serve students on both ends with equal quality of education…All remote with a hybrid option isn’t a legitimate option because remote kids (who are often there due to risks they shouldn’t have to take) are the second priority.” 

In both cases, one group of students will get an advantage over the other. 

Hybrid learning has mostly shown positive reviews from students with a few thorn-like problems in between. As the year progresses and cases of the coronavirus fluctuate from time to time, the possibilities of different learning styles will change to match with whatever is most suited for the time.