A Royal Departure

Sana Muneer, Lenses Writer

The Royal Family has dominated the news this past month. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan, have recently decided to step back as senior Royals. This came as a shock, not only to the public, but to the Queen and the Royal Family as well. Harry and Meghan felt unsupported and attacked by the media, and they wanted to do what was best for their family and young son.

This decision has fueled a large amount of controversy, as the public has been blaming Meghan Markle for this decision. Many left scathing comments on the statement shared on the ‘Sussex Royal’ Instagram about her. She has been called selfish and ungrateful for “breaking up” the Royal Family and has been referred to as a “palace-wrecker” who is putting the future of the throne in jeopardy. Critics call her entitled, hypocritical and spoiled. They believe she has hurt the Queen with her actions. 

Defenders of the couple understand the desire to protect their son. After the untimely and tragic death of his mother, Princess Diana, Harry was shattered. He was only twelve when this harrowing event occurred, and it still has haunted him to this day. The paparazzi contributed to his mother’s death by spying on her location and aggressively chasing her car. Similarly, Meghan and Harry also feel targeted and attacked by the press, and they do not want history to repeat itself. Meghan has been treated unfairly since her arrival to the monarchy, as the media has used her African-American heritage, as well as her Hollywood and divorcee background, to present her in a racist and harsh way, and they have framed her as a villain. In a personal speech, Harry revealed how they have no other option than to step back from royalty. By disconnecting from the Royal Family and residing in North America, they hope to find peace and much desired privacy. 

In the Queen’s final statement on the matter, she clearly says she is supportive of Harry and Meghan’s decision and understands their need for an independent life. This issue will be revisited by the family in one year.