Benefits of ADHD medication
December 21, 2017
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a chronic condition marked by hyperactivity, impulsivity and a persistent inability to concentrate.
Interesting enough, ADHD was not considered a mental disorder in the early 1900’s. Scientist did not have a specific disorder for the symptoms children displayed, but they realized that these behaviors were abnormal. So, they constructed a new disorder that was first recognized as Hyperkinetic Impulse Disorder, than it morphed into Attention Deficit Disorder in the 1980’s and then Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Similarly, ADHD can affect adults, teens and children. However, this disorder is more common in individuals aged from four to seventeen. According to TIME, males are more likely to be diagnosed with the disorder than females, but it can occur in both genders. This is partly due to their behavior, young males are more likely to act out at home or in a classroom that would warrant a visit to a doctor.
Common ADHD symptoms consist of fidgeting and the inability to stay focused. While anyone can display these behaviors, people diagnosed with ADHD are more affected by the symptoms than people without the disorder. Meaning that this disorder can severely affect individuals socially and academically.
For instance, a child with ADHD would be unable to sit still in a desk, would constantly be fidgeting or moving in his seat, talking consistently, be excessively loud and would continue jumping, skipping or running when other children are standing still.
Consequently, a student with the name Sally would sit through a lecture and not be able to recall any of the information from the notes.
Similar to most disorders, medication is required when treating ADHD, which requires a stimulant, so medications like Adderall can have a calming effect on people diagnosed with the disorder. The medication prescribed only promotes wakefulness. It does not increase student’s learning abilities.
For instance, the medication prescribed can cause side effects like anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, and weight loss. It can even slow a child’s growth.
ADHD medication is very helpful for the people affected by this disorder, but it can be harmful if used incorrectly.