Technology should be integrated in classrooms

Yusra Asif, Journalism Student

The importance of technology in our day to day lives has only increased over the years. It is important for one to understand how the integration of technology in the classroom benefits students in various ways. It not only benefits them, but also saves so much more time for learning.

       We now live in a technological world, where it is becoming increasingly difficult to go through a full day without utilizing technology of some sort.  Technology provides students with an effective way to learn. Students can look up specific information or questions from a teacher, find answers, and do more research without even leaving their desk. Less time is wasted and students are more successful.


         According to a study done at Graceland University in 1995, it is clearly mentioned that technology allows any student more opportunities to learn at their own pace. Students who are slower to understand a lesson can have the teacher work with them, then sit at their desk and do programs that teach the specific skills needed to understand the lesson or concept better. At the same time, students who learn faster than the rest of the class can sit at their desk and do more advanced studying so they are challenged and not held back due to other students learning abilities.


        Using technology in the classroom is no longer a choice. It is required for almost everyone in order to successfully be prepared for college and careers. According to, technology not only makes it easier to access educational sites, but also allows students to demonstrate independence. It makes it easier to provide options for accomplishing goals. For example, students using online PowerPoint softwares such as Prezi, Voki, Glogster or a video get to choose which certain type is easy for them and suits their learning style best.


       A study done at Capella University mentioned that technology encourages students individual learning and growth. It is clear that no one learns in the same way or at the same pace, so having technology can provide accommodations for struggling or disabled students. Students can learn at their own speed and use the internet to further conduct research on their areas of struggle.


        Technology is much like every other tool in classrooms: some people see it as a benefit and others, mostly parents, see it as a distraction. Studies have proven the wonderful benefits of technology within a classroom. However, it is yet to be understood by most parents. Parents must cooperate and understand these benefits in order to successfully incorporate the use of technology in their kids lives.