Social anxiety disorder and America’s youth
November 16, 2017
Social Anxiety Disorder is a disorder that affects 6.8% of the US population. It is common for symptoms to appear at age thirteen. These statistics bring light to the fact that many American young adults suffer from this disorder. It is even more alarming that at 13, a growing student could be living in an anxiety ridden mental state. This leads to the impending symptoms including panic attacks and behavioral outlashes when put into social situations that are new or different. Social Anxiety Disorder is major risk factor to the development and success of the American youth.
Social Anxiety Disorder is a mental disorder that causes extreme anxiety during social interactions. It goes beyond being shy and can interfere with living a happy life. This is due to the symptoms of social anxiety, such as a major increase in heart rate, blushing, trembling, and dry throat/mouth. People that suffer from social anxiety also have trouble forming relationships, communicating and are prone to alcohol/drug addiction.
Social Anxiety Disorder is a debilitating mental disorder that ruins lives if left untreated. It is a major risk factor to developing the future of America. If a student is suffering from a mental disorder alone, it can be very difficult to move ahead with school work and life. A young student should be focused on school, life, and developing in his environment. The minds of tomorrow should not be focused on what restrains them from succeeding. Social Anxiety Disorder could be preventing the next Einstein or the possible cure for cancer. This is why it is important that the population takes the necessary precautions to prevent Social Anxiety Disorder from halting the success and development of this country’s youth.
The only way Social Anxiety Disorder is going to be handled and restrained is by treatment which can greatly differ. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a very helpful and successful way of treating Social Anxiety Disorder. It is done by a therapist and typically administered by a licensed professional outside of a school environment. Society can also advise young people to eat better, sleep more and consider meditation and other forms of relaxation as well. These things can help people who suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder and alleviate the suffering.
Social Anxiety Disorder poses a threat to the development and success of the youth into adulthood. It should be taken more seriously by raising more awareness and informing those who are uneducated about the topic. It is too often than not when it is simply regarded as being “shy” and not a real mental disorder. The future generations equipped with the right information will likely reach bounds that are not realistic right now. We all can work to make this world a more endearing place for those who are afflicted with any anxiety disorder.