Attention to colleges

Dimitar Spasovski, Journalism Student

The importance of attending a four-year college has always been stressed by teachers, counselors and even the government. Many organizations state that a four-year college degree is required for success in adulthood. In reality, a four-year college degree is not necessary for success due to a huge increase in new jobs requiring lower degrees.

A bachelor’s degree, or a four-year degree, is considered an undergraduate degree. This degree is the college degree that many adults and organizations push young adults to obtain.

In contradiction, there are numerous jobs that do not require a bachelor’s degree yet pay almost as much as a college level job. According to a U.S. News article, there are an estimated fourteen million labor jobs, many of which do not require more than a two-year degree and pay the same or even more than many white collar jobs.

Some people believe that a four-year college degree is worth it in the long run as the knowledge received in college will never change. However, according to a Huffpost blog, the knowledge received in college cannot keep up with the world today as the world is changing way too fast. Although one will learn things based upon his choice, four years spent in college will be on old material and not on the changing topics and details that occur every single day in every job field.

College attendance is at a high during this time due to the huge amount of pressure for high scholars to attend college. However, this mentality needs to change as society is wasting money and time by sending kids to college and over qualifying them for the job they desire.

There must be some dramatic change in American culture in order to save children and adults from gathering up copious amounts of student debt and losing their precious time.