Origins of Christmas


Neelima Mathai

Christmas is a holiday that most people get excited for because

schools give a break for at least two weeks. Christians celebrate this holiday as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ.

To begin, most traditions people have during this Christmas holiday are exchanging gifts, decorating a tree, going to church, having a Christmas dinner with family and lastly, waiting for Santa Claus to arrive at night. Christmas is always on the 25th of December each year and has been a federal holiday in the US since 1870.

However, the exact date of when Jesus Christ, was born was not mentioned in the Bible according to Christianity, but a Christian historian named Sextus Julius Africanus calculated his birthday to be December 25th, which was widely accepted. During that time, the Roman culture already celebrated the Saturnalia on December 25th, which honored Saturn. This holiday had the traditions of feasting and gift exchanging. Eventually, Rome decided that Christianity was the state religion and converted Saturnalia into a Christian holiday in order to celebrate the birth of Jesus known as Christmas.

Overall, Christmas is a holiday celebrated by 51% of the world in a religious aspect, and 32% of the world celebrates it just for the fun and the festive feeling for it.

Although this Christmas holiday is usually celebrated for the birth of Christ, most people get carried away with their own traditions.