Calling all book lovers! “Crying in H Mart” author Michelle Zauner will make an appearance during the virtual Glenbard Parent Series’ 2025 Community Great Read panel on September 18. In an interview with host and “Tell Me More” author Kelly Corrigan, Zauner will discuss her debut novel, all at once a tale of immense loss and revolutionary joy. Chosen as GPS’ 2025 Community Read, Zauner’s memoir tells the hearty story of her mother’s battle with cancer and eventual passing. As a Korean American, Zauner explores cultural connections, both lost and found, through the lens of the food she used to prepare and eat with her mother. Beyond her novel’s 55-week maintenance of a spot on The New York Times’ Bestsellers List for print and e-book nonfiction immediately following its release, this painstakingly gorgeous work pays homage to tradition as well as the everlasting bonds that we build every time we do as little as share a meal.
Indie pop fans may also recognize Zauner from her front woman status in the band “Japanese Breakfast,” for which Zauner began to write and sing following her mother’s death. Since then, her band has released three albums, all of which explore some aspect of grief.
The panel will last from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. and will be conducted entirely on Zoom. No registration or payment is required to watch this exclusive broadcast, so “Crying in H Mart” aficionados and curious parties alike are invited to join in on this conversation of self-actualization, grief and culture. South students Haley Wong and Kaitlyn Urbanowicz will be acting as student liaisons for the night, each asking Zauner one of their own questions during the panel. For more information about this panel, visit the Glenbard Parent Series website.