As I walked down the street I saw people in the distance
The sun was setting with bright colors of yellow and orange
The air was soft
Trees swallowed my surroundings
Two special people beside me
Music playing with words of a wise lesson
I feel relieved
No worries
I am at my happiest
A tall hill in the distance
A path leading me up
Green everywhere
A quick breeze flows through me
One step after another
I have to reach the top
I am running
The top in front of me
My friends behind me
The desire inside of me
The rocks crumble as I step on them
I hold onto my dress as I run
A wide and bright smile on my face
I am close
I see the tip
I see the yellow and orange sky
I made it
We lay down a blanket
The music is still playing
The sky turns pink
The songs of famous country singers play
The grass and dirt are dewy
We drink sugary lemonade
Other people surround us
Fireworks go off
The whole town is visible
Long, clear fields go on for miles
I see where we came in
I see everything
I stand tall
A sense of pride in myself and my life
I tilt by chin up
I allow the Earth to swallow me
I become a part of it for a second
I am one with nature
I allow myself to spin
The entire world turns with me
I feel so lighthearted
I feel youthful
No worries
Just me and Mother Earth
The colors of the sky paint pictures on my skin and are absorbed into my heart
I feel like Maria Von Trapp spinning on top of the hills in majestic Austria
I embrace her character and perception of everything around me
I appreciate nature so deeply in this moment
Dusk approaches but the bright sun still lives and breaths inside me
I walk back down the hill
I am careful of every step
I approach the car as I leave the scenery behind
What a beautiful and colorful summer day
A day with no worries
A day full of happiness
I leave the environment full of light, grass, hills, people, and memories
But it never left me
I sense it
Whenever the sun sets I sense it