On January 11th-13th, 14 Drama Honors Society members attended Theater Fest, at Illinois State University.
Theater Fest is one of the largest state-wide theater conventions for high school students in the country. At the festival 4,000 Illinois High School theater students attended workshops, watched performances and bonded with their fellow thespians.
“I think it is beneficial for students, especially here at Glenbard South High School, to get an experience beyond our walls and to experience creating, celebrating, viewing, and having critical conversations about theater with a wider audience,” said Ms. Jessica Keuth-Rahtjen, Theater department director.
Three students from South qualified for the All-State production of the play She Kills Monsters. This play was performed at Theater Fest for theater students from all around Illinois to enjoy.
“Theater fest is awesome because you get to link up with so many students from other programs,” said Ms. Stephanie Wallace. Students have the opportunity to attend an array of over 150 workshops where they can learn, and work with other students about all aspects of theater. They offer workshops from improv, to choreography, to rigging set pieces. “My favorite was probably Rigging Basics,” said Andrew Lullo, “…because I got to look into what I’ll be working with in the future.”
Theater Fest is so much more than just attending workshops, it is a chance for students to bond, and form connections with other thespians from all around our state. “My favorite memory was probably during the final bow for our closing show,” said Breanne Crawford, GBS crew member of She Kills Monsters, “when backstage crew members got to come on stage and party with the cast.” Students had chances to discuss the performances they saw with the other students, widening their perspectives, and seeing things that they might want to implement in the future. “My favorite thing about Theater Fest is watching a bunch of nerdy theater kids celebrate their nerdiness with people who are just like them” said Keuth-Rathjen, “…watching that joy is like nothing else.”