Drama Honors Society Bids Farewell to the Class of 2023
May 15, 2023
As the 2022-23 school year comes to a close, Glenbard South must say goodbye to its current senior class. The unfortunate truth is that many clubs and organizations will be losing valuable members, and Drama Honors Society is no exception. The class of 2023 seniors have contributed countless hours to South’s theater program over the course of the past four years, even when school was virtual.

Source: Nate Wallace
Xander Mills
Xander Mills joined Drama Honors society his freshman year. Since then he’s acted in many shows, of which his favorite role was playing Little Red Riding Hood’s grandma in the play “Red Vs. the Wolf”.
Earlier this year he also performed in “When She Had Wings” as The Man. “My favorite memory from DHS was definitely napping backstage during ‘When She Had Wings’,” said Mills.
To Xander, Drama Honors Society is about more than just performing though. “DHS has taught me to have fun and not to take everything so seriously,” said Mills. “You should audition and have fun with it because every role is important.”

Source: Nate Wallace
Kayla Milano
Kayla Milano joined Drama Honors Society her junior year. “I had wanted to for a long time but was always too anxious,” Milano said. “Finally my friends dragged me through the audition process, and I couldn’t thank them more for it.”
Since she joined, Milano has performed in “High School Musical” and “Anastasia”. She’s also participated in many Drama Honors Society events. “One highlight was the DHS bonding last year when Robbie, Kaden, Mike, and I dressed as Spider-Man and took pictures with the kids at Sunny Acres,” said Milano.
“Don’t ever let people tell you who you are or what you can do. Only you can make those choices,” said Milano when asked for advice to give underclassmen in the program. “Live with no regrets and leave every performance on the stage. No role is small and you will always be so loved in DHS.”

Source: Nate Wallace
Vin Tran
Vin Tran worked on many shows during his time in Drama Honors Society. “I originally joined DHS because my friend pressured me to join lights and sound,” said Tran. “I stayed because I made friends and memories while participating in art that we can present on the stage together.”
“I would always enjoy the days when we would get to go up in the catwalk,” said Tran. The catwalk allows crew members to adjust lights that are suspended high above the stage. “I’d enjoy that special feeling of blissful isolation with all of my friends 30 or 40 feet in the air. But if you’re in the auditorium and have a fear of heights, don’t go up into the loading bay.”
According to Tran, Drama Honors Society is a way to learn important skills for theater, but also life in general. “DHS has taught me how to work in a team and how to do my part of something bigger, while trusting that my colleagues would do their best too,” said Tran.

Source: Nate Wallace
Kaden Cu
Kaden Cu joined Drama Honors Society his junior year. “I discovered my love for theater pretty late on in my high school career, but once I did, I knew this was where I wanted to be,” said Cu. “I indulged myself every chance I got, whether that be cast or crew. I found my purpose here, and I don’t regret a single thing.”
Cu has similar sentiments about theater as many of the other seniors. “It has taught me how to love people more than I thought possible,” said Cu. “This community is so special. We all love, care for and look out for each other so well.”
As a goodbye to high school theater, he offered some advice to underclassmen. “Dig in! Find your people and love your people,” said Cu. “Be yourself, love yourself and the right people will love you back.”

Source: Nate Wallace
Hans Herrera
Hans Herrera joined Drama Honors Society his freshman year. Since then he’s primarily been an actor, but he’s also worked on crew. Last year Herrera was cast as Ryan in “High School Musical” and his favorite memory was performing the show’s finale, “We’re All in This Together”.
As a theater kid Hererra knows that not everything always goes according to plan. “Sometimes when things fall apart, they might just be falling into place,” Herrera said. “So maybe you weren’t cast or maybe you can’t remember a line. Just take time to regroup and explore your options…One can only fall for so long.”
Throughout his years in Drama Honors Society Herrera has further discovered the magic of theater through every production. “With every new show or season there is always the possibility of it being someone’s first or last time,” Herrera said. “It’s our job to make sure they have the best experience.”

Source: Nate Wallace
Lizzie Steele
Lizzie Steele joined Drama Honors Society her freshman year to spend time with others who are passionate about theater. Steele worked on mostly build and run crew over the years. However, this school year two of her biggest accomplishments were being one of the first students at Glenbard South to make All-State for theater, as well as being the student technical director for “Anastasia”.
Steele has faced her fair share of challenges in theater, but she advised others to stick to it when she said, “Keep going, you are incredible and I believe in you.”
Although Steele said it’s hard to leave theater because it’s her home, she also recognized that it’s taught her so much. “Most importantly I’ve learned to stick with what I am doing no matter how tough it seems,” said Steele.
Although it’s hard to see so many Drama Honors Society members leaving, it’s important to recognize that they have more of their life to live beyond high school. The annual end of the year DHS banquet was held on May 4th to celebrate the performances of the year as well as honor the senior’s contributions to the program as a whole.