The Spotlight Shines on “Anastasia: The Musical”

Kaitlyn Urbanowicz, School News Writer

Each school year the Glenbard South theater department performs three separate productions. Their final production for the 2022-23 season is “Anastasia: The Musical.”


Since auditions in January, the entire company has been working hard to bring the full production together. Director Ms. Jessica Keuth-Rahtjen, choreographer Mrs. Jen Heim and vocal director Mrs. Elizabeth Hutchinson have been rehearsing with the cast to prepare them for the performance. 


“All of the directors are so amazing,” said junior Lily Guetzow, who plays Countess Lily in the show. “They make sure you’re safe and supported.”

Ms. Keuth-Rahtjen directs the cast through the musical number “Stay, I Pray You”

Set in the time period of the Russian Revolution, the show follows the story of the lost princess Anastasia Romanov as she attempts to find where she belongs. The singing and choreography of “Anastasia: The Musical” make it entertaining for any age group. 


“My favorite part of the show is probably ‘Rumors in St. Petersburg’,” said freshman Athena Zamfoti, who plays the role of Young Anya. “It’s all improv for the most part and it’s a great time interacting with people in that number just to see how characters would interact with each other.”


Sophomore Andrew Lullo works on many different crews for the show, and his favorite part in the show is the destruction of the palace. “The drama and music in that scene really demonstrate the fright of all the characters,” he explained. “I especially love that scene because of all we are going to be able to do with so many cool sound effects and emotional lighting.”

The cast works with Mrs. Heim during a musical number

As Lullo mentioned, the crew has also been working to put everything together. Mrs. Kelly Lawrence has been running the paint and build crews to construct the set. Ms. Stephanie Wallace has been working with the lights and sound crew to organize materials for the start of tech. Last but not least, Mrs. Ellen Hill has been leading the costume crew in preparing all of the actors’ looks. 


“As a paint lead it is up to me and the other paint leads to organize how we are creating certain designs,” said Lullo. “My favorite part is mixing new paint colors and coming up with new processes to achieve a certain desired texture.”


The final piece of “Anastasia: The Musical” is the pit, directed by Mr. Govertsen. Within the pit there are a variety of instruments used to create music as the actors sing and speak. 


“It’s a really fun community to be a part of and I like playing music with my friends,” said sophomore Abby Edwards, who plays the clarinet in the pit. 

Mrs. Heim assists the cast with choreography

However, a musical is about more than just rehearsals. “I enjoy working on the show because of the people, the vibe and how everyone supports each other,” said senior Dylan Heid, who is a member of the ensemble. 


“I enjoy working on the show because it’s a break from the day,” expressed junior Sam Boyd, another member of the ensemble. “I can focus on one thing and not worry about what myriad of tests I have the next day.”


“Anastasia: The Musical” will be performed April 20th, 21st and 22nd at 7:30pm. If you’re interested in supporting Glenbard Souh’s theater department tickets can be purchased at This Link